Pictured above: One of the Virtual Coffee Gatherings, showing us wearing orange in support of #OrangetheWorld, as we join with the International Presentation Association to work toward the goal of eliminating violence against women and children, supporting the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
Our mission development team started organizing regular gatherings for the sisters several years ago, with the goal in mind of keeping us all informed on what’s going on with upcoming events and consistent communication. These quickly evolved into an invitation of cojourners and employees, and a mission focus/discussion being added. A couple years ago, a component of a community featured speaker was added with the goal of getting to know them (and their organization) a little better, their needs and having dialogue on ways we might grow in partnership together that would align with both of our missions.
These monthly gatherings originally started in Sioux Falls, where a number of our sisters lived independently of one another, and soon expanded to Aberdeen as well. In spring 2020, we moved this connection to an online format, hosting via Zoom. We continued providing updates and have conversation around connection and service with the sisters in mission at the center. As many of us discovered, the virtual platform has been a great source of opportunity as we come together from wherever we are and not separated by location.
We now find ourselves at another essential place of growth that is life-giving. As these connections grow, so do the updates from other departments, our justice contacts and our Presentation Sisters and People in ministry. We are evolving into a deeper mission connection and lots of Presentation updates to be shared by all. We now look forward to a new name for this meeting that gives breath to the Mission and Charism with also being clear on what the group does during this time together. As we realize, the name change of this “Virtual Mission Coffee” won’t change what’s at the center of who we are as Presentation People sharing in mission. However, we are hopeful it will offer a deeper footing for what we understand as an important piece of our future call of being in collaboration as Presentation People in mission, as we joyfully incarnate the compassion and justice of Jesus, as Nano did, so that our neighbors locally and globally might live with hope.