The board of Seventh Generation Interfaith (SGI) coalition announced that Sister Ruth Geraets of the Presentation Sisters of Aberdeen, S.D., is the recipient of the 2020 Father Mike Crosby Award. This award recognizes a person who has promoted a more just and sustainable world and exemplifies the passion and commitment of our founder, Michael Crosby, O.F.M., Cap. “We are so happy to honor my dear friend Sister Ruth”, said SGI Board Chair Dan Tretow. “She worked closely with the SGI staff and other members in engaging several companies to operate more just and sustainably.”
“Sister Ruth’s dedication to those most vulnerable guides her shareholder advocacy”, added Frank Sherman, SGI executive director. “At the same time, her cheerful and gracious attitude creates common ground with corporate management. This is why Sister Ruth has been so effective in her work with companies. Father Mike would be very pleased with this well-deserved recognition.”
The award was presented via Zoom at the SGI member meeting on October 12, 2020. Sister Ruth expressed her gratitude, “My heart is overflowing with deep gratitude. I am both honored and humbled to accept this Mike Crosby Award. In 2007 as an SRI enthusiast, I joined our investment committee. With Father Mike’s help, we filed the first PBVM Resolution with IBM on health care reform. Both Father Mike and Frank Sherman were my mentors and inspiration for our taking the lead filing resolutions and dialoguing with 15 corporations and co-leading several others. While the world is getting smaller through communication, issues are becoming far more complex than they were when I began in 2007. In closing, I express my gratitude to Seventh Generation, our President Dan Tretow, my mentors Father Mike and Frank; our Congregation including our Leadership and committee members Sister Kathleen Bierne and Patty Pietz and consultant Steve Zielinski; each of you committed to the work of justice; and above all, to our God who kept my feet on the ground when I was filled with anxiety about approaching deadlines.”
Sister Ruth became involved with SGI in 2008, serving on the board for the past six years. Our congregation has a particular interest in care of creation and the rights of women and children.
Join us as we congratulate Sister Ruth
Video of presentation: Sister Ruth honored with 2020 Fr. Mike Crosby Award