Following the words of the disciple John, “I can of mine own self do nothing,” Caminando Juntos seeks to partner with area churches, businesses, social service agencies and non-profits to welcome the stranger and help him/her make a home among us. One of the recent ways Caminando Juntos has worked to develop partnerships in the community is by creating a Workplace English program for Spanish-speaking employees at Showplace Cabinetry. Together, Caminando Juntos and Showplace are working to close the language gap so that Spanish-speaking employees have access to the same opportunities for advancement as their peers and can perform their job with more confidence and greater precision.
“Starting this program has been an act of patience, as God planted the seed a year and a half before it finally sprouted. But it was worth the wait, as we found a company that aligns well with our mission and wants to provide opportunities for growth for ALL of its employees. It has been a very rewarding experience to co-create the curriculum with the Showplace staff and supervisors and to see the impact it has made on the employees’ lives. The students and the program have touched my heart,” shared April Ross, educational coordinator at Caminando Juntos.
Maria Puente, Showplace Cabinetry New Hire Trainer, shares some of the employee benefits from the program. “From being able to communicate with their supervisors, to asking for time off, being able to report problems and situations that might arise.” Puente continues, “Most of the Hispanic community would stay in entry level. But now, they’re thriving and moving up in positions that are higher.”
Made possible by a grant through the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation, 48 employees benefitted from the program this year. We are grateful for all of the partners walking with us on this journey.
Two different local television stations covered the story. We invite you to click on each station name to view their story of this remarkable program.