Cojourners (associates) with the Aberdeen congregation of Presentation Sisters came together for a retreat September 13 & 14 in Aberdeen. The retreat, Invitation to Imagine, borrowed the theme song from the 8th IPA Assembly as the explored how “the God of the universe was beckoning” to each of us as we explore the future.
Margie Klein, SSND, facilitated as the group considered how things have changed in the recent years for our congregation, and how life is changing for religious congregations all across the country. Changes, while often stressful, are not all negative. At this time in our history, even though we can’t see what is around the corner, we know that hope, promise and opportunity live there. Conversations began regarding how the future of the cojourner ministry could evolve, and what the function and form could be in the future.
Kathy Hogan, Fargo associate director, shared the history and process of what their associate group has done and how changes were implemented. Kathy reminded attendees of our connection to Teresa Mullaly who began working in Dublin and founded George’s Hill convent. Teresa, as a role model, was the earliest associate who, from her desire to carry on Nano’s mission, showed the importance of being connected to the Holy Spirit and Nano to discern what we are being called to. Attendees considered why they are called to ‘be Presentation’ and what the mission means to them.
As the group considered what the God of the universe was beckoning them to, time was spent in contemplative prayer, group discussion, sharing, and reflections together. Voices of Presentations Sisters shared wisdom and insight about dealing with change and living through newness, renewal, and growth. Cojourners will continue to explore the future of their function and form, but we are assured during that process that we will adapt and change and grow because God is beckoning. God keeps beckoning us on to something new.