Late in 2019, Presentation associate leaders and congregational leaders across North America had ideas brewing about meeting and sharing information about our relationships and how we could learn from each other. In January 2020, an initial meeting happened and there was so much energy and connection among the groups that we set up another time to meet to continue the conversation. This session was equally enriching and associate leaders have continued to meet on a regular basis since that time. We have a Google drive for documents and materials, and we enjoy a shared vision of helping each other in our ministry of associate leadership.
Initially, we anticipated that our meeting would, at least partially, be an introduction to each other. It has developed into much more and we now enjoy a monthly connection that enriches and inspires the attendees. Virtual connections have developed in ways we couldn’t anticipate and we are enthusiastically building relationships. Each group of associates, cojourners, or friends of Nano is unique in its own right, yet the shared connection of the Presentation charism brings us together across the miles and time zones.
Following the September Presentation people gathering, we have renewed enthusiasm for creating a future vision together, sharing resources and ideas as well as exploring joint experiences. One step forward in this work is to invite each other to online and virtual events any group is hosting. The leaders are able to forward the information to their groups and all are welcome to join in the event. Some events are hosted on zoom platforms and some via social media such as Facebook. We plan to eventually be able to list the contact person and details about the event on our Conference website.
- Aberdeen is hosting an Advent Study using a program from Ascension Press. Sessions will be November 22, December 1, 8, and 15. Contact to learn more.
For close to three years, the leaders of the associate/cojourner/friends of Nano relationships in our Conference have been meeting to explore and share. We are still learning, discovering and continuing on the journey of sharing and creating a path forward to our future.