by Presentation Associate Sue Murphy
For the past eight years, the Joyful Servants of the Light associate group has been helping several families that are in need at Christmas. Many of the recipients have been immigrants to this country. Our associate group is thankful to come together and offer hospitality and love to the families we assist. Many of the gifts requested are ones that we tend to take for granted such as gas for the car, food, clothing and bedding. We always add a few toys that bring smiles from the children. As a group we enjoy our time together wrapping the gifts, and we always feel the love and guidance coming to us from Nano Nagle.
Dubuque Joyful Servants of the Light: Sisters Dolores Zieser, Josita Zieser, Donna Determan and Associates Kate Kleeman, Laurie Noel, Sue Murphy, Mary Rohner, Ben and Radie Roberts, Dora Serna and Colleen Venter.
In November, some members of the Servant Seekers associate group went to the Veteran’s Freedom Center. We took coffee and paper products, and then visited with the veterans while sharing cookies, coffee cake and muffins with them. Every December, we get together to bake and frost cutout cookies then take them to people who live alone or could just use a little pick me up. A portion of the cookies are to be shared with the sisters at Mount Loretto.
Dubuque Servant Seekers: Sisters Sheila Ann Dougherty, René Laubenthal, Francesca Presseller, Annette Skyles, Lynn Mary Wagner and Associates Deb Jasper, Sandy Kahle, Char McCoy, Dianne McDermott and Doris Wiegman.
For several years now, Nano’s Nine associate group has helped the Dubuque Food Pantry pack Christmas food boxes. Each year food items from the basement are brought up using the much welcomed conveyor belt and sorted with food items that are shelved upstairs. The food is then packed into boxes and sacks by family size. During our time together stories and laughter fill the air. The old saying, ‘many hands make light work’ is experienced firsthand as spouses, sisters and friends lend their hand. It is wonderful to be in partnership with the Dubuque Food Pantry knowing this small act of service will help people in need.
Nano’s Nine members: Darla Budden, Dawn Olberding, Deb McClimon, Delynn Fangman, Joann Gullickson, Mary Drees, Sharon Loeffelholz, Sisters Lynn Marie Fangman, Carmen Hernandez