On Sunday, April 16 Sisters Yliana Hernandez, Norma Carney, Mary Catherine Redmond and Virginia Wilkinson took part in the Habitat Multi-faith House Blessings on the sidewalk facing several homes on Third Street in Newburgh. Blessings these buildings that were recently acquired by Habitat Newburgh was the first step in moving forward with rehabbing them in the coming months into safe, healthy homes.
Partners in the project, the Presbyterian Church in Cornwall blessed the houses with bubbles – breath, our first and last, breathes life into the dry bones of the house.
Sister Virginia offered one of the blessings during this event, using the words of singer Marty Hagen, “Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive. Built of hopes and dreams and visions. All are welcome.
The sisters signed a piece of wood for the homes with “Love One Another” in the spirit of Nano Nagle.
Between each blessing offered Reverend Mary Lou led all in singing “we are marching …”
The New Windsor Presentation Sisters are pleased to partner with Habitat Newburgh in serving those in need in our local area, especially women and children. This effort aligns with our Chapter commitment “to address the needs of women and children, especially as they are impacted by economic, environmental and racial inequity.”