Above, Sister Sheila Reen greets the mayor of Cork.
The mission of the resident Sisters Mary Kealy, Prema Antony and Sheila Reen at Nano Nagle Place in Cork is very simple but our presence is much appreciated. The main part of our ministry is that of welcome, spirituality and hospitality. On a daily basis, we visit the museum and book shop, meet those who are visiting and we have been blessed to meet many people from countries where our sisters work and spread the message of light and hope as Nano Nagle did. In the recent past, we had visits from two families from Upland, Calif., and were visited by Bill Story, whose aunt Sister Enid worked closely with our Sisters in New Orleans, La.
On Easter Sunday, a special Mass was scheduled for 6 am in the contemplative garden but weather conditions necessitated that we move to the conference room where local parishioners, sisters from the local communities, staff and residents of Nano Nagle Place attended Mass and enjoyed a light breakfast.

Guests and sisters in the contemplative garden at Nano Nagle Place
Eco-spirituality experiences are very much part of our ministry. World Water Day, Outdoor Spring Reflection, Earth Day and The Cosmic Walk were celebrated during the spring season.
Lectio Divina is offered every Friday morning and monthly prayer rituals take place at the tomb of Nano Nagle.
Nano Nagle Place was very much in the spotlight recently as it received the Council of Europe Museum Award 2022 for promoting key values of democracy, human rights, intercultural dialogue, for overcoming social and cultural borders and for promoting support and care for people in need. This was a great honour and a great affirmation of the work being done at Nano Nagle Place. The award was received in Strasbourg, France, by our representatives. A few days later, our Taoiseach, Micheal Martin, came to the center to unveil the plaque and thank those responsible for the great work that goes on here. He spoke very highly of Nano Nagle and complimented us on the great work done by the Presentation Sisters.
The center hasn’t yet returned to the busy days enjoyed before Covid 19, but things are looking hopeful.
-Sister Sheila Reen