Pictured above, Emily Omvig, S Lorraine Schmaltz and Anna Olson.
Nano Nagle Education Fund helps nursing students. I have been on the Nano Nagle Education Fund committee for a few years and am inspired by the responses received those receiving the funds. Grateful for the funds we have been able to continue our ministry in health care by supporting the training of nurses.
Through North Dakota State University, College of Health Professional, Fargo N.D., we have been able to sponsor the “Presentation Sisters Scholarship” honoring former nursing department chair: Sister Mary Margaret Mooney. The money is awarded to a junior or senior student who has shown enthusiasm for the discipline of nursing and has demonstrated potential for effective practice through scholarship and compassion. Each fall there is a scholarship recognition program and I was privileged to attend this fall. I was pleased to meet the two young women who received our scholarship; they were beautiful, faith-filled and committed to nursing. They were pleased to have a picture with me and expressed their thanks to all Presentation Sisters for our support.
submitted by Sister Lorraine Schmaltz