In response to the LCWR call for volunteers at the border, four New Windsor Presentation Sisters will be going to Texas in February.
Sisters Anna Raimon, Grace Gately and Paula will be going to Annunciation House in El Paso, Texas. They will be working with detainees recently released. They will help them contact relatives, provide them with clothing, food for the journey,and will even drive them to the bus station and make sure they get on the right bus. Sister Paula, who speaks fluent Spanish, may be more directly involved with the refugees. Of course, all the sisters will also be making beds, cleaning, preparing and serving meals and cleaning up! The majority of the refugees stay from two to four days at Annunciation House before moving on.
Sister Dorothy Scesny will be working at La Posada Providencia in SanBenito, Texas. Sister will do direct one-on-one work with the immigrants, specifically tutoring them in English. La Posada Providencia is more of a long stay facility.