As Betty Rae Lee, Sharon Fagan, Lois Greene and Helen Martinez prepare to travel to Ireland for the Congregational Gathering 2018 and join with delegates from all over the world for Congregational Gathering 2018 to clarify the vision and discern anew the direction for the congregation’s life and mission” C55; we ask for your continued prayer. The Congregational Gathering is in Cork from 19 -26 April, moves to Dublin on 29 April, and ends on 14 May.
We take the opportunity to thank Bernadette Doherty, Clo Martin, Dorothy Corrigan (chair) and Mary Dower for their generous commitment to the Unit Process Group which led us in responding to the process of contemplative dialogue as we prepared as a Unit for this event. A job well done!

Sister Miriam Martin
As part of the preparation toward the Congregational Gathering 2018, Sister Miriam Martin (Newfoundland and Labrador Unit) has composed an inspiring song entitled, “Nano Aflame!“ Also, Janet Leclair, Saint Paul University, and many others have collaborated with Miriam in putting together a meditative video to go with the song which is based on the theme for the Congregational Gathering 2018.
Miriam reflects, “With much pondering, what emerged is a song that traces Nano’s story and our stories and the call to follow where the dream of God yet leads. In verse one we touch Nano’s beginnings and the greening wonder of God beckoning her in Ballygriffin. Verse two speaks of hearing the call to loving service. Verse three brings us to today and leads us to the gathering and beyond: ‘Nano aflame! Stoking our passion … becoming the fire … radiating love.’ We journey with God’s Dream glimpsed in the heart and spirit of Nano. Together, let us take our place in the dream.”