San Francisco: Historic Cruise

by Sister Rita Jovick, San Francisco

“She’s eighty and still cruising.” This is what is said about the Presidential Yacht, USS Potomac. Eight Presentation Sisters had the opportunity on October 20, 2016, to be passengers. Ray O’Brien, a devoted friend of Sister Cleta Herold, RIP, and a docent on the yacht, made the arrangements for the sisters to be the guests on the two-hour cruise that embarked from Jack London Square.


Sister Christina Pizzorno (center) says, “God gave us the perfect day! Being from Southern California, it was very nice having the sights pointed out because I had heard about them and now I could see them.” Also enjoying the outing are Sister Rosemary Campi (left) and Sister Margaret Webster (right) who says, “I remembered all the times we took the ferry to Treasure Island to see the World’s Fair.”

The USS Potomac was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s floating White House. The narrator on our tour told us about FDR’s days on the ship (1936-1945), the dramatic history of the vessel. He also told us about the buildings and the historic bridges that we could see as we sailed around San Francisco Bay.

Sister Christina Pizzorno says, “It was an honor to be on the presidential yacht. I was in the eighth grade when FDR died, but I heard about all the good he did. My three brothers were in World War II, two served in the Army and one in the Air Force. All three are now with God.”

Sister Margaret Webster says, “FDR was our US President when I was born. When he died I was in grammar school and I asked my mother, now what? She said now we elect a new President.”

Sister Janet Harris says, “My grandfather was a merchant ship captain and my father would spend his summers on the ship. It was great to get a taste of their sea experience.”

Sister Joanne O’Shea and Sister Rosemary Campi say, “Our thoughts went back to President Roosevelt because we lived through those times. We are thankful for a wonderful President and for his good work with the Public Works Administration (PWA). Being on Roosevelt’s floating White House was very educational, inspirational and a lot of fun was had by all.”

A lovely time was had by all. From left to right are Sister Janet Harris, Sister Joanne O’Shea, and Sister Joan Riordan. Sister Janet says, “I was grateful for the experience. It was especially fun because of our lovely group.”

A lovely time was had by all. From left to right are Sister Janet Harris, Sister Joanne O’Shea, and Sister Joan Riordan. Sister Janet says, “I was grateful for the experience. It was especially fun because of our lovely group.”

Today the Presidential Yacht, USS Potomac is a National Historic Landmark, a member of the Association of California Museums and the national Trust for Historic Preservation.