Above, Sister Vicky Larson, LCWR president elect, with Kathy Brazda, CSJ, president, and Maureen Geary, OP, past president.
Who then shall we be? Who does the world need us to be? Whom shall we send?
These were just a few of the questions posed at last week’s LCWR conference, as nearly 900 people gathered in Orlando, Florida. The room was energized with leadership, facilitators, executive leaders and guests, as conversations focused around these questions and more.
As we dreamed together, we had clarity of who we have been and who we need to continue to be, while still leaving room for what is not yet seen. We have always been risk-takers. We have always focused on collaboration with our lay partners. We understand the importance and lean into notion of radical hospitality. We are rooted in a deep faith and trust that the path will continue to be luminated to see the next right step, when the time is right.
At this conference, the path was luminated for Sister Vicky Larson in a very real way, as she said “I do” to president elect. This three-year term on the presidency team will engage her and our congregation in new ways of mystery. We have faith, trust and encouragement in this call to leadership with LCWR at this time and the unfolding of what might be next as we navigate what is emerging with religious life today.
Congratulations, Sister Vicky!