Above: A leadership team photo reflective of these unprecedented Covid-19 times, are our three newly elected team members and our two appointees: Betty Rae Lee, unit leader – NL (center) , Roisin Gannon – NL/Ireland (lower right), Clo Martin – NL (lower left), Anita Mansingh – Pakistan (lower screen), and Mary Rossiter – Ireland (upper screen).
We continue to share in the dream of Nano to:
Live Contemplatively
Walk Lightly on Earth
Witness Prophetically
In October we had invited you to be with us as we came together for our PG 2020, originally set for May, and eventually taking place October 20/21. Ever open to “Holy Newness” in facilitating the unfolding of God’s dormant dreams for our world, this time with a Covid-19 touch, we were blessed to have our Facilitator, Sherryl White, csj, with us via Zoom. Together our energies powerfully transcended time and space.
Our provincial leadership election was the key focus for our gathering on the 21. The group visioning that followed, flowing from our out-going Leadership Team Report, engendered both renewed enthusiasm for mission and renewed commitment to our new Team and to one another, a fitting prelude to our closing ritual transitioning to our incoming leadership team.
With our two appointed team members still in Ireland and Pakistan because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, to the joy of all, they were both able to join us by Zoom for our closing ritual.
In JOY and GRATITUDE we continue to bless these women and one another!