by Sister Jane Bonar
The school year ended at Presentation Learning Center, Watts, Calif., on June 1 with an inspiring closing liturgy, during which one of our G.E.D. students received her high school diploma. Another 100 morning and night students received certificates of promotion in English, technology, U.S. citizenship and the fine arts. We also recognized the 25 adults who became U.S. citizens this school year, as well as those who are studying to prepare for their exams. Father Emiliano, our associate pastor, and one of our level one ESL students celebrated the Mass, saying part of it in English for his final exam!
A talent show and potluck were held the day before the closing Mass. Each class showed what they had learned during the school year. Our singing class sand in French, English and Spanish which amazed us all. The computer students gave an informative PowerPoint presentation on a variety of subjects, and the children in the baby-sitting program proudly recited their ABC’s and numbers.
A summer program is now in full swing with students gathering for knitting, crochet, sewing and dance classes, while air conditioning is being installed at the Center with the fashion show proceeds.