The Feast of the Sacred Heart has special significance for the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The mystery of God’s merciful love is what drew our foundress, Nano Nagle, to those made poor by the systems of the day. She saw them in a new light – as children loved by God. This experience of God’s merciful love compelled her to reach out to those who did not experience God’s love and light.
Nano was drawn into the divine dynamic of the Sacred Heart devotion to such an extent that the original title of the Presentation Sisters in 1775 was Sisters of the Charitable Instruction of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On her deathbed, Nano left this legacy of the Sacred Heart love to her sisters, saying, “Love one another as I have hitherto done.”
In the spirit of our foundress, Presentation Sisters throughout the world continue this devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the ministry begun by Nano.
On June 8, we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. As Presentation Sisters, we strive to embody Jesus’ example to live life with merciful love and action. We are reminded to be compassionate toward our fellow human beings; to consider the suffering of our neighbors both locally and globally.
One sister who exemplifies the selfless love of Jesus is Sister Virginia McCall. Since 2008, Sister Virginia has been working and ministering with the people in Kaoma, Zambia, Africa. Men, women and children in this African nation struggle daily for the necessities that many of us take for granted.
The enclosed brochure highlights a few of the projects that have been implemented in Zambia, enabling the native people to make a better life for themselves and provide for their families. We invite you to join us in supporting these educational and sustainability projects as we work together bringing hope to families, children and others suffering from poverty and oppression. The rich tradition of mercy in the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will be experienced anew.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the mission we all share, the compassionate mission of Jesus. We invite you to send us your prayer intentions in the enclosed envelope. You and your intentions are held in the Presentation Sisters’ novena to the Sacred Heart.
View our Sacred Heart Brochure featuring our ministry work in Kaoma, Zambia, Africa