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Every person is called by God in some way to use her or his gifts and talents in service to others.

Many people, when hearing the word “vocation”, think it refers only to people called to religious life or priesthood. Frederick Buechner, a theologian, defines vocation as, “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep need meet.”

Upcoming Events

Presentation People: People of Hope

In celebration of National Vocation Awareness Week, you are invited to a virtual gathering where we will share stories about being people of hope and discuss: What in our Presentation story gives you hope?How is hope manifesting in your daily life?

3 p.m. Pacific, 5 p.m. Central,
6 p.m. Eastern, 7:30 p.m. Newfoundland
Register today:


The Journey, The Process

How Does A Woman Come To Know The Specific Vocation God Desires For Her?

It would be so simple if every person knew God’s desire for her or him from birth. For some, realizing God’s desire from birth would save one from uncertainty, fear, or doubts. Unfortunately, it does not work this way. It is about a journey. Through a process of discernment, listening to the Spirit within, a person is led to know God’s desire. Some questions that may enhance your discernment are: What gives me great joy? Am I drawn to prayer? What is my relationship with the Eucharist? Am I sensing being nudged by God to go out to serve others? Do I want to belong to something greater than myself? Perhaps a religious community could help fill the void and give your life greater meaning. These questions may just be a starting point for you. If you feel called to consider religious life it is good to visit with a vocation director. A vocation director will help you sort through your questions, give guidance in seeking spiritual direction, and make connections to a religious community.

Seek And You Shall Find

How Does A Person Connect With A Community Of Presentation Sisters?

There are six congregations of Presentation Sisters located in the United States. Each congregation has a vocation director who will assist a woman seeking information about religious life. The initial connection to the community and early formation may be tailored to the individual’s needs. For more information about each of the congregations, please see the Join Us page.