Flyer for opportunities that will run February 14 – April 5,
with registration open until February 12: Flyer Spring 2024

Register for enrichment opportunities HERE

What is the online learning platform?

In 2022, with the help of a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, we launched an online learning platform for Presentation people. Enrichment opportunities offered through this online platform are designed to offer a basic formative background for Presentation people in the areas of Nano Nagle, history, justice, mission, spirituality and how we are connected.

How does this learning platform work?

The first part of engaging with this platform is registering so you are entered as a potential student. To do this, you must go to and click the login button in the upper right of the home page. This takes you to the online platform. If you have not yet registered, use the instructions on the right side of the screen to create an account. Once this is done, you will get an email saying that you are approved; it will include the password you should use. You can then go to the same area but will use your email and password to access the learning platform.

The second component is understanding the calendar for enrichment opportunities. Throughout the year there are set registration periods, during which you can log in and sign up for any opportunity that will be offered. These periods usually last 3-4 weeks. Once registered you will wait for the opportunity to go live, meaning you are able to begin to engage in the enricment activities. Each enrichment opportunity will be live for 4-6 weeks.

Frequently asked questions

  • How much time will each enrichment opportunity take?
    • Those who engaged in these opportunities recently shared that the total amount of time over the four to six weeks ranged from two to four hours. How quickly you read the material and how much exploring you do with outside resources will impact the time it takes.
    • Each learning activity is estimated to take 30 minutes or less to complete.
  • What kind of learning engagement will be happening?
    • You must proceed through the lessons in a sequential order, which means you must complete one learning activity to move on to the next. You will see a next button appear on the lower right to move to the next lesson. You are able to go back to review materials, but can’t move forward until you complete each activity in the order in which it was presented.
  • What kind of learning engagement will be happening?
    • The enrichment opportunities include a variety of learning experiences.
      • short videos
      • readings
      • completing a personal learning activity – this might include a personal reflection or a creative project
      • discussion board posts
        • It is important that you keep a steady pace so that you can interact with others on the discussion board. Once you make a post, you will be able to read what others have posted and comment on their posts.
  • What happens when I complete the enrichment opportunity?
    • At the end of each enrichment opportunity we have a Zoom conversation scheduled for those who participated. Once you get to that lesson, you will know you have completed the materials and are ready for the culminating discussion.
    • To get full credit for completing the opportunity in your user profile, you need to be sure to go through ALL modules (including the Zoom lesson) until you get to a button that says FINISH. Once you click that button, your completion will be recorded in your user profile (which can be accessed in the upper right when you are logged in).
  • What if I need help accessing opportunities or with technology?
    • You will find a list of technology resource people included with this information. We ask that you first try to contact the technology contact for your congregation. If they can’t help, they will contact Lisa Olson for additional assistance.