By Natalie Slieter
We are stronger in mission when we are sharing that mission.
Presentation People is a term coined by the Presentation Sisters to be inclusive of everyone who desires to follow the mission of Nano Nagle – and ultimately, the mission of Jesus. It includes sisters, cojourners, employees, and other friends sharing the mission through advocacy, ministry, charity, prayer, or hospitality. Nano dreamed of being in service in all parts of the world. Today, this dream continues to flourish as more people connect and journey as one. By connecting with each other, sharing a similar energy, and working together, the community comes together to make a big difference on seemingly daunting tasks. We sat down with Presentation People who voiced what it means to share and express Nano’s mission together.
“Presentation People are a main reason Nano’s mission is growing stronger today. I have been part of this movement for many years and have learned and seen up close the importance of Nano’s foundation from teaching, healing, caring, and helping others in need for all people.”
– Kathy Traphagen, Presentation Employee
“Nano was such a brave woman. Despite the penal codes of her time and sometimes her own fears she never said ‘no’ to a calling to help the marginalized. I think of her whenever I feel I am being called to do something outside of my comfort zone. I call upon her and the Lord to help me discern the call. Walking with other Presentation People, where we are called, gives me strength knowing we can do more together.”
– Jan Lenz, Presentation Cojourner
“It was written that Nano’s family motto was ‘Not Words, but Deeds.’ I believe that as Presentation People, we continue to live out these words as we work with and for one another. It is opening our eyes to see those that may be hurting and stepping out with our hearts and hands to help those in need.”
– Patty Pietz, Presentation Employee
“Being able to connect with other Presentation People who know of all the amazing work Nano did is a blessing. We may be located all over the globe but we can share ideas and inspire each other to go out and continue the mission of Nano.”
– Jane Schaffer, Cojourner Candidate and Presentation Employee
“Presentation People joyfully incarnate the compassion and justice of Jesus in the way that Nano did, with the purpose to bring hope into our world for our neighbors, locally and globally. We are stronger in mission if we are sharing that mission.”
– Sister Vicky Larson, Presentation Sister
To learn more about Presentation People or to get involved, please call (605) 271-0468 for further conversation, or visit