Employees and Sisters Share the Christmas Spirit

On Friday, December 8, Dubuque Presentation Sisters, employees and their guests celebrated the Christmas season with great conversation, wonderful entertainment and a delicious meal. Sister Carmen Hernandez expressed the community’s gratitude, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! How blessed and honored we are by your generous presence among us. Thank you for all the ways you give life to our community from gentle care, to delicious food, to the cleanest building in town, to beautiful building maintenance, to highlighting our image through publications and annual appeals, to multiple unnamed services always offered with a ready hand.” She adds, “Thank you, too, for the perfect Christmas gift, an ice cream machine, that everyone will enjoy, including our staff and guests. What a creative gift. Our hearts are brimming with gratitude. We wish you and all of your loved ones the most wonderful holiday times. May peace reign in our world and in our hearts.”