Presentation Sisters of New Windsor, N.Y., stand with all those children, women, men, religious, cleric, and all those in leadership positions who condemn the horrific disease of systemic racism that we as American Citizens have accepted and lived for over 400 years. We weep and mourn with those families who have lost a child, spouse, or parent to this epidemic of police killing. Our hearts ache for our sisters and brothers of color who live in the daily fear of encountering violence, arrest or even death at the hands of those whose job it is to protect.
As women religious, we acknowledge and repent of our failings because of the ‘white privilege’ that we are part of. The Venerable Nano Nagle founded our congregation to take up our lanterns and go out into the dark of the night to care for all those in need. The dark night has enveloped our country and we are compelled by her motto, “NOT WORDS BUT DEEDS.” It is time for us to remind ourselves and to invite you to remember with us that the social teachings of the Catholic Church are extremely clear regarding the treatment of those in need. The need of this time is explicitly in front of us in the lives and deaths of too many people of color. Today we call on every person in the United States to join in raising our voices after the example of Nano Nagle to get up, get out and DO, to share the message that we are all in this together and that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper. Join us in prayer that while our nation is in danger of losing its soul, our faith in the Living God will strengthen us to do what is right, work to eliminate racism and give our sisters and brothers of color the respect and dignity that is their just due as children of God.