On Friday, October 6, 17 Presentation people gathered at the St. Isidore Catholic Worker Farm in nearby Cuba City, Wisconsin, for a service and awareness opportunity. The group began the day learning about the Catholic Worker movement started by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933. The aim is to live simply in accordance with the social justice and charity of Jesus Christ. One of their guiding principles is hospitality towards those living on the margins of society.
Participants in the service day shared fellowship, gathered in sung prayer, took a tour of the farm and enjoyed a delicious chili, made completely of items grown on the farm! Many hands made light work of cleaning garlic, onions and peppers, stripping basil leaves, shelling dried beans, extracting honey and sharing in conversation and laughter while completing those tasks. All of the produce cleaned and prepared is either consumed on the farm or sold locally to help support the farm and their mission to help those in need.